1 0 2 0 Infiltrate and Destroy Player One is the Empire PLayer Two is the Corp The Empire are staging an assault on a small Omni technology and production outpost. The outpost has already shattered a nearby Empire base, so a force of elite Empire units have been sent in to cleanse the area. Following the attack, the Corp base has weakened defences (all of its units are in another area), so you will have to build up your forces from scratch. The Empire force is quite large, and very versatile - it contains air and ground units, transporters, stealth units and other cunning ways of base infiltration. The Corp will win if the Empire hesitates, so a full on charge may be necessary. It is hard to say who is at a disadv- antage in this scenario. At the offset, the Empire has more units but, in the long term, has no prospects of unit construction. If the Empire manage to take out most of the Corp production facility then they can claim a victory of sorts, but for ultimate renown go for everything! SPECIAL NOTE: With the emphasis on the word special... the Corp is rumoured to have nuclear weapons available - the Empire should hinder at its peril! Ideas ----- To make the game easier/harder for the Corp, try varying the Game Speed and the Cash per Oil square on the Options screen. The potency of specials should be tried at Naff! initially, but increase it if you feel this is too low!